Community Resources
Below is a list of information important to residents, including programs and initiatives the Anderson Police Department sponsors and/or participates in within the community.
Community Meetings
Community meetings help Citizens understand how relations between the community and law enforcement can be strengthened through community policing strategies.
Programs like Community Policing, Neighborhood Watch, build a bridge that enables residents and law enforcement to communicate, collaborate, and work together to build safer, more caring communities.
“Community policing is a philosophy that promotes and supports organizational strategies to address the causes of crime, to reduce the fear of crime and social disorder through problem-solving tactics and community-police partnerships.”
Source: Community Oriented Policing Services Office
Southeast Anderson Community Task Force meets at 6:00 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of the month at the Westside-Hanna Extension Campus
Eastside Anderson Alliance Task Force meets at 6:00 p.m. on the 4th Tuesday of the month at the Alternative School.

Explorers Program
(Now Accepting Applications)
Purpose of the Explorer Program:
- To give the youth of this community interests in law enforcement and knowledge about the police profession.
- To instill in youth a sense of responsibility, dedication, and maturity.
- To develop better relationships between law enforcement and community.
- To create an understanding and respect between law enforcement and the youth of the community.
We do this by participating in classes, scenario training, community activities, and observation of Law Enforcement Officers.
To become a member of Explorer post, you must:
- Be between the ages of 14 to 20. (and have completed the 8th grade)
- Attend at least three (3) consecutive post meetings. On the third meeting complete an application.
- Attend an interview with post advisors
- Pass background checks on criminal record, academic requirements, and school behavior.
- Pay dues of $50.00 annually which pays for uniforms and membership.
- Maintain academic standards, have no discipline problems and attend meeting regularly during a three (3) month probationary period.
Promoting the Program:
- 1. Anderson County Schools, Fusion Warehouse, private schools, and churches.
- 2. Local community action groups
Meetings are held weekly on Mondays from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, at Fusion Warehouse located at 3223 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
We hope to interest all Anderson Youth in our program and we welcome visitors to our meetings. We do ask that while visiting with us you refrain from the use of tobacco products and profanity. Again we thank you for your interest and hope to see you at the next meeting. If you have and questions or interested in the program n please call The Anderson Police Department, Monday thru Friday from 8:30AM-5PM at (864)231-2277.
Commonly Asked Questions
The Anderson Police Department appreciates anyone taking the time to commend an officer. There are
several ways to thank an officer:
Call the Police Department at 231‐2277 and request to speak to the shift supervisor.
Mail a thank you note to the Office of the Chief at 401 South Main Street Anderson SC 29624.
IA complaint can be filed with Internal Affairs in the following ways:
Go to the Anderson Police Department and request to speak with an internal affairs investigator or the
shift supervisor. Call the Internal Affairs Office at 864‐231‐2288. Write a letter to the attention of either
the Chief of Police or the Internal Affairs Division at Anderson Police Department, 401 South Main
Street, Anderson, SC 29624.
Checking for registered sex offenders in our area is simple. Simply go to SLED’s website at If you do not have internet access you may contact your local sheriff’s
To find out the status regarding property/evidence you may call 864‐332‐5700
If your car was towed by the City of Anderson you can call the city garage at 864‐231‐2248 to inquire
about the car.
Clicking on Code of Ordinances on the Community tab of the main menu or logging in directly at
or non emergency calls for a specific officer, call dispatch at 864‐231‐2280 and leave a message for the
officer. Each officer can be emailed. You can locate their email addresses by logging in to the city’s
directory at Officer’s schedules vary so
they may not be able to return your call or email immediately.
Always dial 911 for an emergency and give the dispatcher all of the information that is requested such
as your name, address, phone number, nature of crime, persons involved and what type of weapons are
involved. It is very important that you give all of the requested information to the dispatcher as this
makes the police officer more aware of the situation and crime.
You can report a lead or tip on a case to Crime Stoppers at 1-888-CRIME-SC or you may email a tip to or visit the tip line page located in the main menu. You may also contact the Detective handling a criminal investigation by
calling 864‐231‐2277. To leave any narcotics or gang activity tips call 864‐231‐2277 and
leave a message.
Tickets, fines and parking payments are no longer collected at the City of Anderson Police Department.
All payments are now collected at the Anderson City Court Collections Office at the City of Anderson
Municipal Business Center, located at 601 S. Main St. Hours are 8:30 a.m.‐5 p.m., Monday‐Friday. The
phone number for the division is 864‐226‐3403.
The Court room is located in the City Hall Complex on John Street. There is a parking lot on John Street
where you can park for court and other court business.