City Hall Security is responsible for the safety of employees and citizens conducting business at city hall on a daily basis. The officers help citizen’s with directions to correct city departments, supervise daily incoming city hall traffic, and proactively watch out for possible treats that would disrupt the daily operations of City Hall.
For questions regarding City Hall Security contact Lt. Terry Mitchell at 864‐231‐1150.
Municipal Business Center Security
The City of Anderson’s Municipal Business Center houses several City Departments. The Municipal Business Center’s Security Officers are responsible for maintaining peace for employees and citizens conducting business, directing citizens to the correct departments, and assuring the safety for all from any potential threats or danger that could disrupt the daily activities of the center.
For any questions regarding the Municipal Business Center please contact OfficerRon Colbert at 864-231-5225 or Lt. Terry Mitchell at 864-231-1150
Court Security
The City of Anderson has Municipal Court sessions during the week and it is Court Security’s responsibility to maintain a safe environment during the judicial process for all parties involved. In court, the court security officer maintains peace, shows citizens where they need to go and vigilantly watches for possible threats to the court process
Downtown Officers
These officers patrol the downtown area on foot and bicycle, weather permitting, to help businesses and remain alert to people who visit this area that is breaking the law or causing disruption to the daily activities of the people in this area. This officer is knowledgeable of the area and gives directions, telephone numbers to vacationers and visitors who are conducting business or just passing through.
When visitors arrive in town, this officer is the first point of contact, so he or she could make or break the visitor’s first impression of our department. The downtown officer remains helpful and courteous to all people, at all times.